Configuring nodes for efficient rendering

Kanzi uses painter's algorithm to render 2D nodes, meaning that if you place a background as the first node in the tree, pixels containing content are drawn first for the background and then again for the content.

Rendering some 2D nodes can be computationally heavy. In some cases a 2D child node has to be rendered first to its own render target, which is later composed onto the screen. 2D node composition happens in these cases:

Viewing nodes rendered to a composition render target

In Kanzi Studio you can see which 2D nodes in your application Kanzi renders to a composition render target.

To view in the Preview the 2D nodes that use alpha blending in the Preview click to enter the Analyze mode, right-click , and select Transparency.
The Preview highlights the nodes that Kanzi renders to a composition render target with translucent, blue stripes.

See also

Rendering best practices

Optimizing the rendering of layouts

Preventing overdraw with the Sorting Filter

Rendering static content

Rendering partially transparent nodes

Troubleshooting the performance of your application

Best practices